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Sealy native shares steps toward equality

Yvonne Johnson describes her journey through Sealy’s publicschool desegregation as “the best of times and the worst of times.” Johnson was born in her grandparents’ home at 930 Garland Street and began her education at the Austin County Colored School on San Felipe Street. The elementary school had six rooms and five teachers to serve black students from all over the county.
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New Landowner series starts Friday

The Multi-County New Landowner Education program is a series of 8 informational meetings, seminars, and field days designed to make new landowners in Austin, Colorado, Fayette, & Washington Counties aware of what types of agricultural enterprises are best for their property. Participants in the program will hear from experts in a variety of fields in agriculture about best management practices that can be implemented on their own property. This innovative program assists new landowners in understanding the concepts of rural living. Participants in the program are given exposure to ideas on raising livestock and horses, plant identification, fence building, applying pesticides, soil testing, stock pond management, pond construction, fruit and nut production, rain water harvesting, turf management, and much more. The program also serves as a way for new residents of the four counties to network and meet new people in their communities, find out what can be done on their land, what operations can be successful, and possibly what opportunities they have to serve the community.
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Video conferencing security tips

In the future, when the world reflects on 2020, the word “Zoom” will no doubt come to mind. Though Zoom first launched its video conferencing software in 2013, that software did not become a fabric of many people’s daily lives until 2020, when a global pandemic was declared and the world suddenly shifted to remote working and virtual learning en masse.