September 2022

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The redhead and cat are not superstitious

Here’s the thing: I’m not superstitious. It all started when I was still in Mexico, visiting a gallery, and I saw a painting across the room. The composition was striking. The bottom third was black and the top two-thirds were filled with a deep blue sky and great white clouds rising from the horizon. There was a bare tree on the right side and on the left was a full moon. I felt pulled into the gallery and across the room to see the picture, and that’s when the figures in the foreground became clear.
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XC meet pays tribute to Marcinkiewicz

In an effort to honor the memory and contributions of Ed Marcinkiewicz to the program, Sealy cross country hosted the first annual Coach Ed Cross Country Invitational Saturday at Sealy High School. Sealy Head Cross Country Coach Anthony Branch said he played a role in the area’s cross country programs and this is a fitting way to pay tribute to him. “He’s had a tremendous impact on all of us and I miss being able to call Ed after a cross country or track meet to talk about how it went or just to ask for advice,” Branch said. The meet attracted more than 700 runners with more than 20 teams participating in the meet “He had a big influence on the Sealy Cross Country program. He was very involved with it and always around to help the runners,” Branch said.
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Austin Country Fair auction set

It is Austin County Fair time and we are looking forward to the Country Fair Auction! It will be held on Saturday, October 15, 2022 @ 1:00P.M. If you are unfamiliar with the Country Auction, it is an auction where exhibitors who have entered hand-made goods, can good, & crafts into the show, and win grand or reserve champion can sell their items to raise money. The money raised goes towards maintaining/ improvements of the fairs Expo and Convention Center.
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The Legend of Donald Pfarr Wible, age 77, passed away peacefully on September 5, this year of our Lord 2022, at his fishing retreat in Sargent, Texas. He was surrounded by his family and the laughter of his grandchildren and could not have asked for a better last day on God’s divine creation.