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An opportunity on the 100th anniversary of the state’s park system with new funding

Texas legislators stood ready this year to make investments in our state park system, just in time for the 100th anniversary of the creation of the State Parks Board. Lawmakers filed a number of bills this session that would create new funding streams for parkland acquisition and conservation.

How America undervalues working people, and how workers are fighting back

America is one of the wealthiest nations in the world. Yet when compared to other advanced industrialized countries, it fares dismally in national laws and policies affecting workers. This is a major claim of a recent cross-national study sponsored by the humanitarian organization Oxfam America, a report that offers a powerful lens for understanding the major strike activity now underway in the U.S. The study notes how political choices create environments that favor or undermine working people – choices that in the U.S. have largely been to the detriment of workers.
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Painter works on canvases daily

Isee him painting every afternoon. Every day I take a walk and, when I am in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, my walk usually takes me through an old fabric mill that has been converted into gallery space. Most of the galleries sell the work of artists from Mexico City and beyond. But some of the galleries are spaces where artists are both working, and selling their work and the floor is spattered with paint, and easels hold paintings in various stages of completion.
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Child care centers expected to close across state

An unprecedented number of child care centers are expected to close across the state as pandemic relief funding ends, the Texas Standard reported. A survey conducted by the Texas Association for the Education of Young Children of about 1,600 child care programs indicated 44% were likely to close their doors without additional funding. Federal pandemic relief funds ended for most centers in June.
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Feral Hog Bounty remains in full force in county

The Austin County Feral Hog Bounty initiative remains in full swing, operating under the guidance and sponsorship of the Austin County Commissioners Court. Participants are eligible to receive a $5 reward for each feral hog they successfully harvest in Austin County, with proper biological evidence in the form of a pair of feral hog ears.